About my Blog

I was extremely skeptical of this diet until my reproductive endocrinologist suggested I do it since nothing else had worked to allow me to ovulate in 9 years. I started ovulating immediately after doing the 40 days of Phase 2 and got pregnant within 2 months! Not to mention I lost tons of weight too! This diet also allowed me to lose the baby weight.

Friday, June 21, 2013

HCG DIET Phase 2 & 3 (P2 P3) RECIPE: Mongolian Beef with Cabbage

Mongolian Beef with Cabbage

100 grams sliced beef
Cabbage cut into fine strips
½ cup beef broth or water
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons orange juice (optional)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons Bragg's liquid aminos
2 cloves garlic crushed and minced
1 tablespoon green onions chopped
¼ teaspoon chili powder or to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Stevia to taste
Combine spices into liquid ingredients. In frying pan or wok, stir fry on
high heat to combine flavors and cook beef and cabbage. Add additional
water if necessary to keep dish from burning. Add additional orange slices
for added sweetness if desired.

Makes 1 serving (1 protein, 1 vegetable)

Phase 3 modifications:
Stir fry with additional vegetables such as bellpepper or zucchini. Cook Mongolian beef with sesame, chili, peanut, or coconut oil and use soy sauce to add additional flavor. Top with 1 tablespoon of crushed peanuts if desired.


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